Principal's Corner

Welcome to the new school year!

Welcome to Iwakuni Intermediate School! The White Snake Family is committed to providing all students opportunities to succeed academically, socially, and through extra-curricular activities. Together, we will “Educate, Engage, and Empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world.”

The school's digital handbook is provided to stakeholders to share information regarding school policies and procedures. Parents and students should review the contents together. If there are any questions, please call the school office. Open and clear communication between school and home is important to the success of IWIS’ educational programs. We look forward to working with you and your child to ensure a wonderful, productive school year filled with rich academic experiences supported by technology and individualized instructional techniques. We appreciate your cooperation and support, and we welcome your suggestions and ideas for improvement.

On behalf of Iwakuni IS staff, we look forward to a fun and fulling school year.

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